I had to guess at these settings, but the website helped and I also tested the trial first to make sure it seemed to work. Probably you'll have to guess at a bunch of settings unique to your situation. In daily use, I never see this. Just install, make sure you have sufficient sampling in your settings, plenty of cables and forget. The only reason I brought it up now is for this tutorial and so you would have an example.

These audio repeaters I configure every time I stream. In practice I need only the cue (VAC2 in, soundcard out), the mic (soundcard in, VAC3 out) and not the final mix (VAC1 in, OEM sound chip out), because I do not play to a room. I can monitor the stream with Foobar2000 to hear how it sounds to the audience. After I start, it looks like this:

The bars indicate the buffers are working. The cable selections (such as VAC2) are determined by how the stream is configured in Traktor.